A Method for Measuring Grip Strength Using a Smartphone Camera and a Plastic Bottle
Nagisa Matsumoto, Koji Fujita, Yui Tomine, Yuta Sugiura

[Reference /引用はこちら]
松本渚紗,藤田浩二,杉浦裕太,スマートフォンカメラとペットボトルを用いた握力計測手法の提案,第178回ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会「人工現実感,エンタテインメント,メディアエクスペリエンスおよび一般(SIG-DeMO-10)」,オンライン,2020年10月12-13日. [DOI]


Grip strength is associated with geriatric syndrome and the risk of future fractures and can be a tool to grasp our own physical condition. It is necessary to measure grip strength regularly, however, measurement requires a specially developed device and grip strength dynamometer are not widely available in households. In this research, we suggested the grip strength measurement method using smartphone camera and plastic bottle in our living environment. The camera detects the hand posture squeezing the plastic bottle and the finger joint angles are acquired. By using the relationship between finger joint angles and the force applied to the plastic bottle, the grip strength is estimated. Asa basic study, we investigated the regression model for finger joint angles and air pressure in a plastic bottle. The result showed that there was a correlation between them.