CTS Screening Tablet App
A Tablet-Based App for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Screening: Diagnostic Case-Control Study
藤田浩二* ,渡辺拓郎* ,黒岩智之,佐々木亨,二村昭元,杉浦裕太( * 共同筆頭著者)
Koji Fujita*, Takuro Watanabe*, Tomoyuki Kuroiwa, Toru Sasaki, Akimoto Nimura, Yuta Sugiura, * these authors contributed equally

[Reference /引用はこちら]
Koji Fujita*, Takuro Watanabe*, Tomoyuki Kuroiwa, Toru Sasaki, Akimoto Nimura, Yuta Sugiura, A Tablet-Based App for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Screening: Diagnostic Case-Control Study, JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2019;7(9):e14172.
* These authors contributed equally

To establish a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS) screening system without medical examination, we have developed a tablet-based CTS detection system, focusing on movement of the thumb in CTS patients; we examined the accuracy of this screening system. Our newly developed app could classify disturbance of thumb opposition movement and could be useful as a screening test for CTS patients. Outside of the clinic, this app might be able to detect middle-to-severe-stage CTS and prompt these patients to visit a hand surgery specialist; this may also lead to medical cost-savings.